Tennis rackets at Total racket Tennis players often spend lot of time and money looking for the perfect new tennis racket, with all the latest technologies, and then string it with a random and often cheap tennis string. It is often said that you play better with a well strung tennis string in a bad tennis racket, than with a bad tennis string in a good tennis racket. At Total Rackets you can find Tennis rackets by visiting their website The importance of a tennis string is best demonstrated by the fact that a tennis string is the only material which comes into direct contact with the tennis ball. The ultimate playing characteristics of a tennis racket are primarily defined by the tennis string and its qualities, as follows: Weight: Weight is the resistance to movement in a straight line. Lifting is an example. The racquet resists your lifting efforts until you pull with a force equal to its weight. Then you can lift it. Weight is also what you feel if you pick the racquet up at the balance point. Weight influences balance and swing weight, but by itself, pure and simple, it is rarely what the player is directly experiencing when interacting with the racquet. Balance: The balance point of a racquet is that point along the length of the racquet where a racquet will teeter and totter on a thin support without one end or the other being pulled to the ground. If the racquet balances halfway up the racquet from the butt, it is said to have even balance. If the balance location is more than half way up the racquet, it is said to be head-heavy, because the shorter head half counter balances the longer handle half. Finally, if the balance location is less than half way, the racquet is said to be head-light because now the head-side half is longer and counter balances the shorter handle-end of the racquet. Swing weight: Much of a tennis hit can be seen as a battle between the player and the ball to move the racquet in a circle. Swing weight is the resistance to movement in a circle. Circular motion occurs around a center or rotation; let’s say the butt end of the handle. When you apply equal forces to the handles of two racquets with different swing weights, the racquet with the higher swing weight will accelerate less and rotate less quickly around the center of the circle. The lower swing weight racquet will accelerate more quickly. In other words, higher swing weight means less maneuverability, and lower swing weight means more. For more information on Tennis rackets at Total racket you can visit